Friday, February 13, 2009

Euphorbia iharanae

Another one having Euphorbia viguieri characteristics - rosette of large leaves on a fatten club like stem, cyathophylls are erect and cover the cyathias completely. It is not in my trusty Succulent and Xerophytic plants of Madagascar, Werner Rauh (1995).  The same author published it in Kakteen Sukk. 46(9): 221-223 (1995), probably too late to include it in his Madagascar Tomes. From entry on IUCN 2008 Red List, the description notes that it is found near Cap-Manambato (Iharana district) as a coastal cliff dweller. It is also not far from the locality of E. capmanombatoensis. I can see similarities here.  The marble markings and soft hairs on the leaves stand out.

1 comment:

T Gentry said...

I came across your blog searching for plant ID. Is there a way I could send you a picture?? Thanks T Gentry Greenville SC USA